
Xpandasox® are innovative, latex-free socks that stretch up to 24 in (60+ cm). Xpandasox® feature a stretchy, sewn-in Xpandapanel® that is ideal for accommodating people with wide calves and medical conditions that cause leg edema, including lymphedema and lipodema, leg swelling due to pregnancy, wound care, casts, leg braces and many more.
4 Elbows helped Xpandasox re-brand and create a new visual identity ecosystem to grow with the company. A vibrant custom color palette and unique logotype treatments allow each line of socks to have a distinct personality while fitting into the bright tone of the Xpandasox brand. 4 Elbows helped Xpandasox design and develop their website to represent the brand, educate people about conditions like lymphedema, and showcase the community of Xpandanistas.
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  • Branding
  • Color Palette
  • Custom Icons
  • Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Website Development